News & Meetings

July 11, 2024 at 5:00pm – Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission Meeting

Join us for St. Michaels Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 5:00pm. Unless notice is given of an alternative venue, all meetings will be held at the Boy Scout Cabin, located at 407 St. Mary’s Square.

7-11-2024 SLR Public Draft Agenda – FORTHCOMING
7-11-2024 SLR Meeting Packet – FORTHCOMING 

Please note: All agendas are DRAFT DOCUMENTS until the day of the meeting.

The Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission will have in-person attendance and will continue to use Zoom for meetings. If you have not used Zoom, please take a few minutes to download the free app to your computer or smart phone prior to joining the meeting HERE.

Join Zoom meeting by computer or smart phone:

Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

To join with audio only by phone:

1 301 715 8592

Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

July 16, 2024 at 12:30pm- Parks and Recreation Advisory Board – CHANGE IN TIME

Join us for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting on July 16, 2024, at 12:30pm. This meeting will be held at the Boy Scout Cabin, at 407 St. Mary’s Square.

7-16-2024 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Public Draft Agenda – FORTHCOMING

Please note: All agendas are DRAFT DOCUMENTS until the day of the meeting.

The Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission will have in-person attendance and will continue to use Zoom for meetings. If you have not used Zoom, please take a few minutes to download the free app to your computer or smart phone prior to joining the meeting HERE.

Join Zoom meeting by computer or smart phone:

Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

To join with audio only by phone:

1 301 715 8592

Meeting ID: 326 426 1778


July 16, 2024 at 5:30 pm – Board of Zoning Appeals

Join us for the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on July 16, 2024 at 5:30 pm. Unless notice is given of an alternative venue, all meetings will be held at the Boy Scout Cabin, located at 407 St. Mary’s Square.

7-16-24 BZA Public Draft Agenda – FORTHCOMING 

BZA Packet 

2024 Board of Zoning Appeals Schedule:

To view the 2024 Board of Zoning Appeals meeting schedule, CLICK HERE.

Please note: All agendas are DRAFT DOCUMENTS until the day of the meeting.

The Board of Zoning Appeals will have in-person attendance and will continue to use Zoom meetings. If you have not used Zoom, please take a few minutes to download the free app to your computer or smart phone prior to joining the meeting HERE.

Join meeting on computer or smart phone with video and audio on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

Join meeting by phone with audio only on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

For more information, please contact the Town Office at 410-745-9535 during regular business hours.

September 25, 2024 at 5:00pm – COSM Legislative Session


The Commissioners of St. Michaels (COSM) public legislative sessions will be on hiatus during the months of June through August 2024 and resuming September 25, 2024. During these months, the Commissioners will hold a joint working and legislative meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. in the Christ Church Parish House, Etherton Hall, on 103 Willow Street, or on Zoom. 

The Commissioners of St. Michaels (COSM) usually meet the second Wednesday of the month for a public working session and on the fourth Wednesday of the month for a public legislative session beginning at 5 p.m. which can be joined in-person in the Christ Church Parish House, Etherton Hall, on 103 Willow Street, or on Zoom. 

PUBLIC COMMENT: In accordance with the COSM meeting rules and procedures, public comments will be received one person at a time at the beginning and end of each meeting. The “Comments from the Public” portion of the Commission agenda shall have a limited time period as determined by the Commissioners. To be recognized, a member of the public should raise his or her hand (with the “raise your hand” feature or in chat in Zoom) and wait to be recognized by the President. Comments and questions should be kept brief and to the point, and be directed to the President. Citizens are encouraged to contact the Commissioners or Town Administrator in advance with meeting questions and comments.

COSM Legislative Session AGENDA
September 25, 2024, COSM Legislative Session Public Draft Agenda – FORTHCOMING
September 25, 2024, COSM Legislative Session Public Draft Meeting Packet – FORTHCOMING

Please note: All agendas are DRAFT DOCUMENTS until the day of the meeting.

Join meeting by computer or smart phone by clicking link below:
Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

Join by phone with audio only:
+1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

Other meetings will be added as necessary such as public meetings and hearings, working sessions, special working sessions, special legislative sessions and closed sessions — as set by the Commission on an as needed basis.

COSM Meeting Rules of Procedure

If you have any questions, please contact the Town Office at 410-745-9535 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

COSM Meeting Minutes Beginning December 2023

The Commissioners of St. Michaels (COSM) meet the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. in Etherton Hall at Christ Church Parish House, on 103 Willow Street, enter via the side entrance to Etherton Hall. Additional sessions are scheduled as needed.

Working Sessions: The Commission may conduct public working (study) sessions on matters which are expected to come before the Commission for formal action at a legislative meeting or that otherwise need study by the Commission. These working sessions will be scheduled on an as needed basis by the commissioners.

Legislative Sessions: The Commission will conduct public legislative sessions on the second Wednesday of each month, to handle matters which come before the Commission for formal vote. Time permitting, other items may be included on the legislative agenda, but items requiring votes of the Commission will take priority.

COSM meeting schedule for Calendar year 2024.
AGENDA topics to be discussed at future meetings.

The following is a list of minutes for past Commission meetings occurring in St. Michaels. VIDEO and AUDIO recordings are posted in a day or so after the meeting (Effective 10/22/19.) Official minutes are added when approved by the Commissioners. (Note: Meeting minutes for other Boards and Commissions can be found under Government menu/Boards and Commissions.)

If you have any questions, please contact the Town Office at 410-745-9535 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

6-26-24 Video – COSM Special Meeting with Closed Caption; 6-26-24 Audio
6-12-24 Video – COSM Legislative Session with Closed Caption; 6-12-24 Audio
5-22-24 Video – COSM Legislative Session with Closed Caption; 5-22-24 Audio
5-8-24 Video – COSM Working Session with Closed Caption; 5-8-24 Audio; Approved Minutes 5-8-24
4-24-24 Video – COSM Legislative and Closed Session; 4-24-24 Audio; Approved Minutes 4-24-24
4-10-24 Video – COSM Budget Workshop; 4-10-24 Audio; Approved Minutes 4-10-24
4-3-24 Video – COSM Budget Workshop; 4-3-24 Audio;
3-27-24 Video – COSM Working Session; 3-27-24 Audio;
3-18-24 Video – COSM Budget Workshop with Closed Session; 3-18-24 Audio;
3-13-24 Video – COSM Working Session; 3-13-24 Audio; Approved Minutes 3-13-24
3-5-24 Video – COSM Budget Workshop; 3-5-24 Audio;
2-28-24 Video – COSM Legislative Session; 2-28-24 Audio; Approved Minutes 2-28-24
2-14-24 Video – COSM Working Session; 2-14-24 Audio; Approved Minutes 2-14-24
2-9-24 Video – COSM Working Session; 2-9-24 Audio
1-24-24 Video – COSM Legislative Session; 1-24-24 Audio; Approved Minutes 1-24-24
1-10-24 Video – COSM Working Session; 1-10-24 Audio; Approved Minutes 1-10-24
12-13-23 Video – COSM Working and Legislative Session; 12-13-23 Audio; Approved Minutes 12-13-23
12-5-23 Video – COSM Working and Legislative Session; 12-5-23 Audio;
11-8-23 Video – COSM Legislative Session; 11-8-23 Audio; Approved Minutes 11-8-23



Town of St. Michaels Community Participation in the Mosquito Control Program

The Town of St. Michaels has enrolled to participate in the Mosquito Control Program for Season 2023, in so doing the community agrees to allow access by Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) personnel to conduct mosquito control activities. The goal of the pest management program is to develop effective strategies to protect our health, our pet’s and livestock health, the environment, and improve the quality of life for our residents and visitors. Please reference their website, at Mosquito Control (, for more information about this program or you may call 410-841-5870. We ask that you review the attached mosquito control – general policies provided by the MDA.

Individual property owners who object to the nuisance mosquito control program may complete the attached form to have their property excluded from spraying. It is required to complete a new form yearly for each property, in order to be excluded, and returned to the appropriate entities. You may download a copy of the Mosquito Control Exemption Form here.



St. Michaels Nature Trail Expansion Project

The Town of St. Michaels was awarded a $35,000 DNR Grant for a Feasibility and Design Study to construct a 1.25-mile extension of the St. Michaels Nature Trail/Multi-Use Bikeway. The vision for this project was initiated by the St. Michaels Rotary Club, who helped build the original Nature Trail, which was completed in 2010.

Project partners include the Commissioners of St. Michaels, the St. Michaels Planning Commission, Rauch Inc., Environmental Concern, and the Rotary Club of St. Michaels. The proposed multipurpose ADA compliant bikeway/pedestrian trail will connect the southeast side of Town (near the high school) to the northwest side of Town, terminating at Perry Cabin Park. The trail will provide a safer route for pedestrians and cyclists to bypass the downtown area, thereby avoiding the busy traffic on the main thoroughfare. It will also provide a safe alternative means to get to/from school events and the ballpark.

As illustrated on the attached map, the trail extension will connect with Bradley Park on Railroad Avenue and continue northward to Perry Cabin Park. Disruptions to private property are anticipated to be minimal as the trail will be located on State Highway Administration easements.  Preliminary investigations including soil studies, wetland studies, and engineering studies will guide the design and engineering.Wooden Covered bridge at San Domingo Creek St Michaels bike on the nature trail 

Once the Feasibility and Design Study are completed the Town and partnering agencies will seek funding from various grants to construct the trail extension. We look forward to highlighting the Town’s natural beauty and serenity through this Nature Trail extension. As this project moves forward, please continue to visit this site on the Town’s website for project updates. Please click on the attached link for additional information regarding this Program. 

Kim Lamphier Bikeways Network Program    

Meetings and Updates:

July 8, 2023: Public Input Meeting 

Photo of Nature trail Extension public input meeting held on July 8 2023 with RAUCH and the Town of St MichaelsThe Town of St. Michaels and our consultants, RAUCH Engineering, held a public input meeting at
Bradley Park pavilion in St. Michaels on Saturday July 8th, 2023, to provide the opportunity for the community to review a draft alignment drawing of the proposed trail extension plan and various design issues and options.

The project will extend the existing 1.3-mile nature trail by another 1.25 miles for a total of 2.55 miles. The plan is to extend it northward from Bradley Park in St. Michaels and terminate at Perry Cabin Park ballfields on the north end of town.  A feasibility alignment study and preliminary engineering work is currently underway. Additional final design and construction funding is yet to be determined.

We appreciate everyone who attended and/or provided feedback regarding the proposed design options. The consensus of the group was to include all three trail options at the top of the map. We will proceed accordingly. 

July 19, 2023: Public Update

The Nature Trail extension project is a multi-year project. At this time, we are working on preliminary feasibility drawings. We just submitted a grant application from the State to complete construction drawings which will take another year. After that, we will search for various funding sources for the actual construction. We estimate it will be 2 ½ to 3 years before it is actually completely built.  

September 14, 2023: Public Update

On September 14th the Maryland Department of Transportation awarded the Town of St. Michaels $48,360.80 to complete final construction drawings for the 1.25 mile nature trail extension project. The trail will extend from Bradley Park to Perry Cabin Ballfield Park and include a shorter loop there, as well as an extension to the north that could be continued in the future as a county project (refer to the diagram at the top of this page). The work on the final construction drawings should begin in the New Year 2024. By next summer, we hope to begin fund raising for construction of the trail, which is estimated to require about 1 million dollars.



St. Michaels Updates Regarding Marengo Street Water Pump Station


The Town of St. Michaels experienced a fire at the Marengo Street water pump station on December 3, 2023, deeming it currently inoperable. In order to keep our citizens abreast of the situation throughout this process, the Town will be issuing updates regarding the status of this facility and water capacities. Please click on the link below for updates and associated progress moving forward. 

March 20, 2024 Public Notification
February 12, 2024 Public Notification
December 14, 2023 Public Notification

The Town of St. Michaels extends our gratitude to our water customers for their patience during this repair process.

If you have further questions/concerns please do not hesitate to contact Rob Straebel, Town Administrator, at  410-745-9535. 


San Domingo Creek Park Master Plan- 7.6 Acre Community Park Design

San Domingo Creek Park Master Plan by Mahan Rykiel January 17 2024

San Domingo Creek Park Master Plan

Click here to view the Master Plan 

Background Information

The Town of St. Michaels is excited to announce a final master park plan has been approved for the previously known Environmental Concern property located on Boundary Lane, adjacent to the nature trail.  The 7.6 acre parcel was purchased by the Town in late September.  Town officials, working with planning consultants Mahan Rykiel Associates, and with input from the community, worked diligently over a 6 month period to devise the final San Domingo Creek Park Master Plan by late January 2024.


The Town has applied for a Program Open Space Grant and is currently awaiting updates. 


Please visit this site regularly for additional updates related to this project. 

St. Michaels Journal: Quarterly Newsletter


A Newsletter of the Town of St. Michaels, Maryland – Fall 2023 Edition
A Newsletter of the Town of St. Michaels, Maryland – Summer 2023 Edition
A Newsletter of the Town of St. Michaels, Maryland – Winter/Spring 2023 Edition
A Newsletter of the Town of St. Michaels, Maryland – Fall 2022 Edition
A Newsletter of the Town of St. Michaels, Maryland – Summer 2022 Edition