News & Meetings

Notice Regarding Trash Containers

Effective Monday, May 2nd, the Town of St. Michaels refuse contractor will limit trash service to the authorized containers that were provided to each address in January. In January, each address received one (1) blue, 96 gallon trash container and the public was encouraged to obtain extra containers if needed. Extra trash containers will be billed at $75 per quarter, per container. Any residence or business requiring additional trash containers should contact the Town office at 410-745-9535 as soon as possible. Additional recycling containers will also be made available upon request.

By Authority of the Commissioners of St. Michaels

St. Michaels Sustainable Communities Designation Renewed

Boat in St Michaels HarborThe Town of St. Michaels is pleased to announce our Sustainable Communities designation has been renewed for the next five years through November 20, 2028.

See attachments for more information: 
Sustainable Communities – Partnering to Revitalize Maryland Communities
St. Michaels Sustainable Communities Designation Renewal Letter

Sustainable Communities is a State of Maryland program that is run through the State’s Department of Housing and Community Development. Local governments that choose to participate can qualify for various grant funds for community development. A work group was recently approved by the Town Commissioners to evaluate the past activities and set a framework for the future for this program.

We have begun working on our program update and will be meeting for the remainder of this year to establish a set of goals for various community improvement related issues which include the environment, economy, transportation, housing, quality of life, local planning and land use. A unified report will be produced by the end of the year. There will be a public hearing on the results. The Town Commissioners will then consider changes based on your review and input and decide what to transmit as the final product.

Our first efforts focused on the environment. Some environmental attributes of the town that were identified includes access to water and the Chesapeake Bay, the work of the Climate Change & Sea Level Rise Commission related to mitigating flooding, the walkable community design of St. Michaels and access to nature and green space.

Wooden Covered bridge at San Domingo Creek St Michaels bike on the nature trailSome areas to work on included public facility improvements to the town’s water supply system to accommodate peak season demand and additional water access for the public. Also, completing the next 1.25-mile extension to the St. Michaels nature trail is a goal for the near future.

Some agency partners to carry out the goals include work with county, state and federal governments to secure funding sources. We will also reach out to consultants and non-profits like the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy and work with companies for activities such as installing new smart water meters to more accurately measure water usage.

Meeting Overview:
April 2023: Environment
May 2023: Economy
June 2023: Transportation 
July 2023: Housing
August 2023: Community Health and Quality of Life
September 2023: Local Planning and Staffing Capacity 

As the 2023 Sustainable Communities meetings come to a close, we want to extend our appreciation for the time and instrumental work the members dedicated to ensuring St. Michaels is a prosperous and thriving community for future generations. Steve Ball, Town Planner, is compiling a report generated from the data received to present to the Commissioners.

Click below to view the Presentation at the Commissioners of St. Michaels Meeting on October 25, 2023.
October 2023: Sustainable Communities Program Application for Designation Renewal



St. Michaels Maps Ambitious Schedule to Confront Rising Sea Levels

St Michaels Maryland West Harbor Road Flooding photoThe Town of St. Michaels is moving forward with proactive measures to mitigate rising tides. The Commissioners of St. Michaels have recently approved a set of ambitious recommendations from the newly empaneled Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission. The CC/SLR Commission has identified priority projects based on long range predictions outlined in a report from GMB Engineers/Architects. The study predicts increasing tide levels over the next 30 years that will cause serious flooding along the Town’s waterfronts.

CC/SLR Chairman Roy Myers presented the aggressive project schedule to the Town Commissioners on August 25th. The Commissioners have approved the plan and will be working with the CC/SLR Commission to secure the necessary funding and grants to move the plan forward. Engineering studies will be underway over the next year and will be followed by the following specific projects:

2023 to 2025 Projected Timeframe

• Construction of E. Chew/W. Harbor Road Improvements
• Begin Phased construction of Honeymoon Bridge, Harbor walkways, Burns, Mill and
  Cherry Streets Master Plan.
• Grant and Engineering Design completed for Muskrat Park and Church Street area.
• In conjunction with adjacent properties, complete strategies/plans for Mulberry Street,
  Westside Harbor residents, Carpenter Street and San Domingo Town residents.

2025 to 2030 Projected Timeframe

• Complete Construction of Muskrat Park Improvements
• Complete Engineering Studies for Mulberry Street and Carpenter Street
• Complete construction of Master Plan – Construction for Honeymoon Bridge, Harbor
  walkways, Burns, Mill and Cherry Streets
• Complete Engineering Plans for San Domingo/Back Creek harbor side of St. Michaels.
• Assist Westside Harbor residents in their plans as appropriate.


Advanced Assistance Grant Flood Mitigation Study from FEMA, administered by MDEM, Town of St. Michaels, MD – Cherry Street/Honeymoon Bridge-Harbor Walkway Presentation on January 26, 2024
The Town of St. Michaels and the Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission (CC/SLRC) have received an Advanced Assistance grant form the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), administered by the Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM), to address the sea level rise and stormwater flooding projected in our Town’s future. The first phase of this study is to develop an overall concept plan for the Cherry St./Honeymoon Bridge-Harbor Walkway, Burns St., and Mill St. Area. The Town has hired Rauch Inc. to assist in completing this study. Their study will develop an overall concept plan for this area in the first half of this year. Then building on this concept plan, Rauch will complete the detailed design and construction drawings in the second half of the year.

On January 25th, 2024, Rauch Inc. and Annapolis Landscape Architects made an initial presentation to brief the residents of Cherry Street/Honeymoon Bridge-Harbor Walkway on the study, receive their input and allow them to participate from inception of this project. Please view the meeting presentation by clicking HERE

On January 31st, 2024, Rauch Inc. and Annapolis Landscape Architects met with the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum to provide them with an initial presentation and obtain their input from inception of this project. Please view the meeting presentation by clicking HERE.

Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission BayLand Presentation at Community Input Session on March 16, 2023
Anna Johnson, Project Engineer with BayLand Consultants & Designers, Inc., held a community input session with a power point presentation on “San Domingo Creek and West Side Stormwater and Harbor Infrastructure Assessment and Flood Mitigation Study”. This informative presentation can be found HERE. BayLand is interested in your feedback regarding flooding concerns, areas of peak interest, and any mitigation solutions you would like to see implemented. Please visit this link, complete the attached form and return it to Anna Johnson, PE at

San Domingo Creek and Westside Stormwater and Flood Mitigation Study – Vulnerability Assessment Presentation on May 11, 2023
The Town received a briefing on the San Domingo Creek and Westside Stormwater and Flood Mitigation Study from BayLand consultant and Project Engineer, Anna Johnson. She reviewed with the CC/SLRC and public their vulnerability assessment for the at-risk flooding areas on the San Domingo Creek side of St. Michaels. Ms. Johnson will use this information and feedback to move forward with this project and plan to meet again with the Town and public on August 10, 2023 at the 5:00pm meeting. 

San Domingo Creek and Westside Stormwater and Flood Mitigation Study – Mitigation Strategies Discussion on August 10, 2023
Anna Johnson, BayLand consultant and Project Engineer, presented BayLand’s draft mitigation strategies for the San Domingo Creek side of St. Michaels at risk flooding areas to the CC/SLRC and the Town residents. The CC/SLRC will use this updated information to make decisions toward designating which of BayLand’s Conceptual Design will be carried out to 30% Construction Design Plans. We have attached Ms. Johnson’s Progress draft of this project. Please note that this is a DRAFT and will continue to be modified as the project progresses to completion. Click here for the Progress DRAFT of the St. Michaels San Domingo Creek and West Side Stormwater and Harbor Infrastructure Assessment and Flood Mitigation Study. For more detailed explanation of this Progress Draft, please view the meeting attached here.

San Domingo Creek and Westside Stormwater and Flood Mitigation Study – Draft Report and 30% Design Options Reviewed on November 9, 2023
BayLand’s Anna Johnson, presented their latest draft report and two option designs for the proposed Back Creek Park living shoreline on the San Domingo Creek side of St. Michaels to the CC/SLRC. They have chose option two to carry forward to 30% Construction Design Plans. Please note that this is a DRAFT and will continue to be modified as the project progresses to completion. Click here for the DRAFT REPORT and TWO DESIGN OPTIONS of the St. Michaels San Domingo Creek and West Side Stormwater and Harbor Infrastructure Assessment and Flood Mitigation Study. For more detailed explanation of this draft, please view the meeting attached here.

San Domingo Creek and Westside Stormwater and Flood Mitigation Study – Final Draft Report and 30% Design Option Presented to the Commissioners on December 13, 2023
BayLand’s coastal engineer and project manager, Anna Johnson, presented their final draft report and 30% design option proposed for Back Creek Park living shoreline on the San Domingo Creek side of St. Michaels to the Commissioners of St. Michaels, CC/SLRC, and our community. Click here for the FINAL DRAFT POWERPOINT PRESENTATION, FINAL REPORT, and 30% DESIGN OPTION. For a more detailed explanation of this presentation, please view the COSM meeting attached here.

GMB Community Input Session Open House for West Harbor Road/East Chew Avenue Sea Level Rise and Stormwater Flooding Conceptual Design on March 30, 2023
Brent Jett, P.E., CFM, CC-P, Sr. Project Manager/Coastal Resiliency Group Leader (and author of the initial Harbor and Stormwater Infrastructure Study) along with other Architects/Engineers with George, Miles & Buhr, LLC (GMB), held an open house on “Resiliency Through Restoration: West Harbor Road/East Chew Avenue Flood Mitigation Feasibility Assessment and Conceptual Design” to allow the community to ask questions and provide crucial community input, while taking time to better understand this study. An aerial view depicting the area of interest for this study may be viewed HERE. GMB is interested in your feedback regarding flooding concerns, areas of peak interest, and any mitigation solutions you would like to see implemented. Please visit this link, complete the attached survey and return it to Brent Jett, PE at

GMB Community Input/Feedback Session for West Harbor Road/East Chew Avenue Flood Mitigation Study was held on July 13, 2023
GMB developed two design concepts for the West Harbor Road/East Chew Avenue area which they shared with the community and received their feedback toward moving forward with this project. Below we have attached several documents related to this project for your review. Please join us at our next meeting on August 15th when GMB will share the findings of their stormwater evaluation and more discussions will be held regarding proposed options. 
Brent Jett’s Power Point Presentation
West Harbor Boat Slip Parking Memo by Mr. Glackin
West Harbor Parking Survey Results by Mr. Glackin
July 13, 2023 CC/SLRC Minutes Summary by Mr. Glackin

GMB Presentation for West Harbor Road/East Chew Avenue Flood Mitigation Study to the Commissioners of St. Michaels, CC/SLRC, and Community at the COSM Working and Legislative Session held on December 5, 2023
GMB presented their Resiliency Through Restoration: West Harbor Road/East Chew Avenue Flood Mitigation Feasibility Assessment and Conceptual Design to the Commissioners for their approval. Click here for the FINAL REPORT.  
Brent Jett’s Power Point Presentation

St. Michaels Preparing for Nuisance Flooding

Andrew Thaler, from the Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission and developer of the St. Michaels Floodwatch, and Kate Vogel, from Maryland DNR and MyCoast web application, have presented both the Floodwatch project and MyCoast app during Lunch and Learn sessions at both the Talbot County Library St. Michaels and Easton branches. More recently, they were interviewed by WBOC’s Lauren Miller to explain how their interactive technology is helping to prepare and educate our communities about nuisance flooding along the Eastern Shore. Please take a moment to watch this interview by clicking on the attached link HERE.

St. Michaels Awarded Flooding & Stormwater Mitigation Project Grant
The Town of St. Michaels has been awarded another large grant to tackle the threat of rising sea levels. Working with the Maryland Department of Emergency Management, the Town has secured a $210,000 federal grant. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has approved this grant money for the Town’s Harbor Flooding and Stormwater Mitigation Project.

This federal grant follows two state grants amounting to $115,000. These grants from the Department of Natural Resources are currently funding concept designs for two flood-prone areas.

The grants are the results of efforts by the Town’s Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission which was empaneled in the summer of 2021. Commission Chair Roy Myers says, “This latest grant builds upon our current efforts to complete the concept designs for flooding mitigation in our main harbor areas. We are grateful to MDEM and FEMA for their support and are looking forward to working with them on the implementation of this grant.”

St. Michaels Commissioners President David Breimhurst says, “This is terrific news for St. Michaels and for Talbot County. St. Michaels is home to the County’s second largest employer and is the primary source of the County’s multi-million-dollar tourism industry. Protecting our Town from the threat of sea level rise is our top priority. We congratulate and thank Mr. Myers and his commission for the many hours of hard work that have paid off with these significant grants.” The CC/SLR Commission’s work has become a vital element of the town’s long range plans and will help shape the Town’s 2025 Comprehensive Plan. The Commission has been reaching out to the public for guidance and is providing updated information. Recently, the state Department of Natural Resources partnered with the CC/SLRC, linking its online  MYCOAST  tool with the St Michaels Floodwatch website. The Floodwatch interactive tool was created by Commission member Andrew Thaler and can be found online at There is also a link on the town website, Residents can use the tool to understand how their Talbot County properties might be affected by sea level rise projections. Roy Myers says, “It is a graphic view of why the town needs to plan today for tomorrow’s sea level rise and stormwater flooding.”

July 25, 2023, Press Release:  Secretary Strickland Visits St. Michaels; Tours flood-prone areas (click to read more)

St. Michaels is Investing in the Town’s Water Infrastructure

St Michaels South Water Tower Maintenance Work Crane UsedThe Town of St. Michaels is making substantial investments into an aging water infrastructure that includes repairs and maintenance to the South Water Tower, changes to filter media in the Water Treatment Plant, and planning efforts to replace old commercial and residential water meters using Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology in early 2023.

At this time, the maintenance to the South Water Tower and the changes to the filter media in the Water Treatment Plant have been completed. In the future, the North Water Tower will undergo routine maintenance work to prolong the useful life of this tower as well as to ensure a safe and reliable drinking supply.

One new water meter style to be used for replacementCurrently, the water meter replacement project is underway, starting on May 8, 2023. The Town is utilizing approximately $675,000 in American Rescue Plan grant funding to replace residential and commercial water meters with AMI technology. “Smart meters” use wireless communication technology to read meters remotely without having to physically access the meters. The meter transceivers are used to transmit usage data and alert Town Staff to any water breaks through real-time data. The advanced meters are quickly becoming the standard for water utilities and will improve the overall efficiency of the water distribution system.

St. Michaels Water Meter Replacement Map & Notification

Depending on the condition of the existing water meter, the contractor may also replace the water meter box (barrel), lid and meter connection fittings. If the meter box needs to be replaced, the contractor will dig up and remove the old meter box. The contractor will restore the area when completed.

Following installation of the new meter, the contractor will instruct the customer on how to flush the water system.

For questions on information regarding the Water Meter Replacement Project, please contact:

Core & Main
Amanda Wetzel

For questions or information regarding water meter billing, please contact:

Town of St. Michaels
Vickie Sharp, Water Department

For questions or information for the contractor, please contact:

VEPO Solutions
VEPO Office Contact

Section I (blue lines) of the meter installation will begin on the east side of Talbot Street between Perry Cabin Drive and Seymour Avenue, working from north to south. Section II (orange lines) includes areas west of Talbot Street, from Lee Street to Marea Terrace, working from north to south. Section III (green lines) includes areas outside of the Town from Seymour Avenue to Miles Lane including the Rio Vista area. Please see attached map above. We anticipate the project will be completed in mid to late summer.

5-24-2023 Please view map below for completed areas highlighted in red.

Map of St Michaels depicting by color areas of work with red areas being complete for water meter installation
Completed Water Meter Installation Marked in Red

Town Office and Police Station Study Updates

May 9, 2023 Public Input Session for Proposed Town Hall/Police Department Building
April 26,2023 Presentation of Conceptual Plans for the New Town Hall/Police Department Building
February 23, 2022 Town Office and Police Station Study Report


The Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Commissioners of St. Michaels, with an ex-officio member from the Town Commissioners and the Planning Commission. Preference will be given to Town Residents on the Commission. Membership shall consist of representatives of the Waterways Management Advisory Board, the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, waterfront business owners, and town residents, both waterfront and non-waterfront. The Panel meets as frequently as needed, but no less than once every three months.

The Commissioners have been studying Climate Change and Sea Level Rise and see the effects on St. Michaels. Chapter 14 of the St. Michaels Comprehensive Plan 2015, entitled Climate Resilience, recognizes the challenges associated with being a coastal community on the east coast with low sea-level, high water tables, and hurricane risks, and recognizes that it is crucial that the Town improve its resiliency measures, and as such have created this commission.

Climate Change/Sea Level Rise AGENDA, February 10, 2022

The Climate Change/Sea Level Rise Commission will hold Zoom meetings until further notice. If you have not used Zoom, please take a few minutes to download the free app to your computer or smart phone prior to joining the meeting, click HERE.

Join meeting by computer or smart phone by clicking link below:
Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

Join by phone with audio only:
+1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 326 426 1778

Harbor and Stormwater Infrastructure Study
To read the study click HERE.
The Town of St. Michaels, MD received a Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Grant through the State of Maryland Community Resilience Program to perform an analysis of the St. Michaels harbor and stormwater infrastructure, while considering projected sea level rise over the next thirty years. The study’s objective was to develop viable, cost efficient strategies to increase the town’s resiliency relative to both rainfall and tidal induced flooding. Eight areas of study were determined, and six flooding and sea-level rise projection maps were created as part of the study scope of work. The critical study areas were evaluated within these flooding and sea-level rise scenarios to evaluate risk and define future City mitigation and adaptation efforts. Importantly, this report outlines the Next Steps our Town might take to prepare for and put plans in place to begin these mitigation efforts. The report was prepared by George, Miles & Buhr, LLC.